Preventative vs Reactive Maintenance


Typically, most commercial properties can place their maintenance needs into two separate categories: Preventative and Reactive. Preventative maintenance focuses on mitigating and even avoiding potential repairs on your systems through predictive assessments. While also keeping the systems productivity high and avoiding unnecessary depreciation over time. Reactive maintenance focuses on addressing issues as they arise or when a total failure occurs. That can leave you scrambling to find quality technicians to bring your systems back online in a timely fashion. Even leading to lost revenues or further damage to existing systems. Majestic is here to help you navigate these decisions and find a solution that is best for your specific needs.

Preventative Maintenance Pros & Cons

Setting up a preventative maintenance schedule can be a very useful tactic in the right situations. Majestic would be glad to help you navigate a program that will best suit your business’s unique needs.  Here are some of the pros and cons you might find with this setup:


Longer Asset Life

Increased Production

Enhanced Safety

Greater Annual Savings


Skilled Technical Staff Required

Periodic Downtime of Systems

Strong Organizational Systems Required

Reactive Maintenance Pros & Cons

Reactive maintenance is the correct solution for some small business owners and having a strong Facilities Maintenance team will be an essential tool. Majestic has a nationwide network of vetted and insured technicians to handle anything that might arise. The pros and cons of the reactive maintenance setup would be:


Minimal Staff Required

Minimal Investment of Time


Inability to Budget Necessary Repairs

Unforeseen Consequences

Increased Energy Costs

Shortened Asset Life Expectancy

Can Majestic Facility Experts help?

Allow us to help you navigate each of these options and find a solution that will work best for your company’s needs. We hope that the information provided above informs your decisions moving forward with regards to maintaining existing systems, and maybe even saves you a few dollars in the process.