5 Tips to Reduce Stress During Office Relocations

Unprecedented. Historic. Uncertain. These are all words being used to describe the times we’re living in. The economy is virtually at a standstill, and when (not “if”) it recovers, there’s bound to be major disruption throughout the business world. That could involve a relocation of your operation.

If relocation is going to be part of your business future, planning now for success is pertinent. Otherwise, a lack of planning could ultimately turn out to be an unwitting plan for failure. Here are five tips to alleviate stress and streamline the moving process.

Maintain Ongoing Communications with Staff

Staff members, obviously, and even those you do routine business with should be kept apprised of your ongoing plans. When downsizing is scheduled (if part of the plan), when movers will arrive, and any scheduling changes the move might require are key pieces of information that can diminish stress levels of those affected. Knowing what’s happing is more comforting than surprise events.

Out With the Old…In with the New

The absolute best time to ditch old electronics, office furnishings and shred those unneeded documents—both physical and virtual—is just prior to moving to a new office space. Because let’s face it, why waste time and effort (and stress everyone out) by moving ‘junk’ you really don’t need anymore? Responsibly recycle old electronics, taking time to permanently erase any essential data.

Move Non-Essential Office Bulk First

You’ll need the desks and computers, but give thought to moving bulky items like rarely used filing cabinets, packed boxes, and accessories like whiteboards and AV equipment as soon as possible. The fewer indicators around the office that remind staff and patrons of ‘the move,’ the less stress they will likely feel.

Be Ready to Continue Business ‘As Usual’

During a move, the option to suspend daily activities might not be a viable or realistic option. Prepare to make scheduling changes or to work a bit of overtime if necessary to keep operations flowing smoothly during the transition. The more support you have during this period, the better.

Call in Professional Relocation Professionals

Just like there are residential movers, there are companies that provide assistance for businesses on the move. If you want step-by-step guidance and prefer to leave the hard work to someone else, there’s no better way to minimize (and practically eliminate) any moving related stress than hiring a pro.

Let Majestic Facilities Experts get you on the move with ease…contact one of our team members today to learn more. And stay safe!