Spring Cleaning Checklist for Your Office

The long, cold and dreary winter continues to drag on, but spring will be here shortly (we promise) and it’s a good time to start planning some spring cleaning activities for your office. Here are some key tasks to consider doing.

Computer Areas

Spring is a great time to clean areas around desks. Carefully dust all desk surfaces, paying special attention to computers. Properly clean out keyboards and other accessories. Cans of pressurized air can help. Also, safely wipe down keyboards and phones, which are known to harbor germs and grime.

Paper De-cluttering

Papers have a way of piling up and wreaking havoc on your plan to keep your office tidy. Encourage everyone in your office to weed out file cabinets, papers on desks and any other areas where they hide. Then properly discard papers, either by recycling or shredding.


During winter weather it is easy for flooring and carpets in your office to get dirty and dingy. Freshen up by properly cleaning all flooring surfaces. It may be possible to have your own staff do this, but after a long messy winter, hiring a professional cleaning company might be a better choice. You will be surprised at how much clean floors can change the look and feel – and smell – of your office, improving the environment for both staff and visitors.

Window Coverings

A commonly forgotten area when it comes to office cleaning is window treatments. As the weather warms up, get that dust out by thoroughly cleaning mini blinds, curtains, shades, drapes and other window coverings.

Once you have done a deep dive into spring cleaning at your office, maintain that freshness by regularly cleaning throughout the year – it should be part of your overall facility management routine. The experts at Majestic would welcome the opportunity to discuss your operation’s maintenance needs and our capabilities with you. Please contact us at your convenience.